P.J. was just 14-years-old when she was raped and became pregnant. Her mother, Angela, initially felt that abortion was the right decision and says that family and friends all advised them to seek an abortion.
Angela finally took P.J. to a crisis pregnancy center where they met a counsellor who told them that everything was going to be okay and encouraged them to keep the baby. Angela says, “After we left [the pregnancy center], PJ cried – not because she was upset – but she said she felt relieved and like we were in a safe place.”
Angela relates how when her daughter awoke after her emergency caesarian delivery “the first thing she did when she came out of it was ask for James, she cried and held him for the longest time. She literally just prayed over him, and loved him, and told him home much she loved him.”
Though she initially advocated for P.J. to get an abortion, Angela now says of her grandson: “The minute we laid eyes on this child, we didn’t once equate him to the rapist. He’s just as much a victim. He has healed our family in ways we can’t explain.”
“The minute we laid eyes on this child, we didn’t once equate him to the rapist. He’s just as much a victim. He has healed our family in ways we can’t explain.”Angela, P.J. Mother
P.J.'s Story

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