Julie was the victim of terrible and traumatic sexual abuse for years at the hands of her uncle. The abuse began when Julie was a young teenager and continued into adulthood. Coercion, threats, and mental and physical abuse kept her from reporting her rapist to her family or the authorities.
Julie became pregnant twice as a result of the rapes. The first time, she miscarried at 12 weeks and, though her baby was concieved under horrific circumstances, she was devastated by the loss. When she became pregnant a second time, her emotions were again mixed: she was heartbroken that that her baby was conceived in rape but also happy to be having her baby.
Do the the intense trauma of her situation, Julie considered suicide but decided against it because she felt that she could not do that to her children.
Ultimately, her abuser was charged and sentenced for his crimes against Julie as well as against other women. Julie has found the strength to go on- for her own sake as well as for her children. She states, “I am trying to move forward with my life and put it behind me. My son is the only good thing to have come out of what happened.”
“I am trying to move forward with my life and put it behind me. My son is the only good thing to have come out of what happened.”Julie
Julie's Story

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