Julia was only 14 years old when she was raped by a family friend- a man that both she and her family thought was trustworthy.
While abortion was easily accessible, as well as free, for Julia (who lives in Argentina), she opted against abortion on the grounds that her baby was innocent of any crime. Julia writes, “Despise the fact of being just a child myself, I decided to have my baby because, like me, she was innocent and she didn’t have to carry the guilt of the aggressor who, eventually, is the one who deserves being punished.”
Julia found courage online by reading the story of another woman who had become pregnant as the result of rape. She was comforted by the fact that she was not the only one to go through this experience.
She named her little girl Mia and writes, “I love her more than anything else on
“I decided to have my baby because, like me, she was innocent and she didn’t have to carry the guilt of the aggressor who, eventually, is the one who deserves being punished.”Julia
Julia's Story
Save the 1 Blog

Used with the kind permission of Julia and the Save the 1 Organisation
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