Crystal Willis
Crystal Willis was in high school when she was lured into a empty classroom by another student and raped. Crystal was filled with shame and so didn’t report the rape. When she found out she was pregnant, she decided to have an abortion. However on the way to her abortion appointment, Crystal begged her father to pull the car over. She changed her mind.
Crystal consulted a pregnancy counsellor and ultimately decided to arrange an open adoption. The family she chose were thrilled when they found out she was having a girl and the adoptive mother supported Crystal in the delivery room.
Crystal finished her education and she has a good relationship with her daughter and her daughter’s adoptive family. Crystal states, “If you want to know what a woman in that situation needs, ask me. I’ve got two degrees, my daughter is about to get hers, we’re doing fine.”

“If you want to know what a woman in that situation needs, ask me. I’ve got two degrees, my daughter is about to get hers, we’re doing fine.”Crystal
Watch Crystal’s story in this video
Read Crystal's Story here
Interview with Crystal
Crystal's Official Facebook Page

Used with the kind permission of Crystal Willis
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