Allison Hillaker
Alison was brought into the world under very difficult circumstances. She was conceived when her severely developmentally disabled mother was raped. Her grandparents were forced to make very difficult decisions when they discovered their daughter was pregnant- made even more difficult by the fact that their daughter didn’t understand what was happening.
Allison’s grandparents eventually decided that the best plan would be to put the child up for adoption as she was innocent of the rapist’s crime and deserved the best possible chance at life.
Allison was born healthy and was adopted by a loving couple who had been unable to have children naturally and went on to have a happy and successful life. Allison is deeply offended by the argument that babies conceived in rape should be aborted. To that Allison responds, “Was my life not worth saving? Should I have died merely because of all of these tragedies that led up to my birth?”

“Was my life not worth saving? Should I have died merely because of all of these tragedies that led up to my birth?”Alison
Allison's Story

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